Friday, April 6, 2012

The Easter Story in an Egg Shell


Now that Thing 3 is almost 3 months old I'm hoping to be able to post a bit more often.  That is, if my brain isn't sucked right out of my boobs, which happens every day.  I think it should be a bonafide diagnosed disease.  Can I hear and Amen!

Here is an idea that is better late than never.  It is totally fun!  Wait for it...wait for it...

The Easter Story hidden within a dozen plastic eggs!

Brilliant!  I've never hated anything that comes out of an egg.

Easter has kinda been an uninspired holiday for me.  Which is kinda ironic considering the meaning behind all the fluff.  But for some reason I've kinda lacked creative energy around this hippity-hoppity holiday.

(Can I say kinda just one more time?)

Enter my mom.  She cut back on the candy this year and instead has organized a hunt with "Resurrection Eggs" for all her grand kids.  Thank you mom!  Any time I can take a bit of sugar out of a holiday without removing the fun I rejoice.

Apparently Resurrection Eggs have been around for a long time but this is the first I've ever heard of them.  I love the idea, though.  You basically open an egg a day for the 12 days before Easter.  Each egg has a small symbolic treasure and a verse telling part of the Easter story.  My mom is varying from the tradition and having the grand kids hunt the eggs on Easter Day and then she will tell he story while having the kids take turns opening up the eggs .  That works for me!

So even though this is a last minute post and you can't do the 12 day version you could do a quick DIY project and still be able to hunt Resurrection Eggs on Easter.  I normally try to do something during the Lenten season to help my family think just a little about the death and resurrection of Christ but this year with an almost three month old and two older boys I just didn't have it in me.  Thanks once again, mom, for filling the gap!

(Will there ever come a time that I don't need my mother?)

So here are a few sites for you that have either instructions for DIY eggs or ones you can buy for next year.  My mom bought her eggs, and a set for each grand kid family.  Lucky me! :)  And her eggs came with a downloadable activity book for the kids.

Have fun and happy Easter!


ps. I'd love to see how your eggs turn out.  What creative spin can you throw on it?

 This is a sight that has DIY ideas

 This is a fun site in general with a great little blog series on Easter.

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