Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Book Review: Not A Box

It always amazes me how my boys can turn anything into a gun from a stick to a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. For the first 6 years of Thing One’s life we didn’t even have guns around the house.  I don’t even know when he first saw a gun but it apparently left an impression because one day guns entered his world of imagination.  This past Sunday we had a nice change up though.  The boys turned their marshmallow shooters into musical instruments during church.  I was so stoked!  (What were they doing with marshmallow shooters during church? Please don’t expect me to answer that.  When you have three Things to deal with sometimes you find yourself saying yes to some crazy stuff.)

My point in all of this is that a child’s imagination is very impressive.  Some how we loose all of that power as adults.  Thankfully having kids brings it back just a bit.

Not a Box  

The book Not A Box by Antoinette Portis is a brilliant demonstration of the simplicity of imagination.  It’s a beautiful book.  Or at least I think so. It’s simple drawings and colors invite and allow readers of all ages to imagine.  It’s not a box, it’s a rocket ship, a house, a stage.  It’s anything but a box!  I love it because I see my children in this book and I see the child I use to be. 

Check out Antoinette Portis’s  website www.antoinetteportis.com.



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